Principal Desk
In 21st century in all walks of life there is a tremendous sea change in technology & thereby facilitating every work in life. Vis-a-vis this is also applicable to agriculture. In traditional farming one cannot increase yield of crops substantially. For increasing productivity of all crops it is highly essential to adopt modern technology viz mechanization where in instead of human being machineries are used for cultivation of crop, drip irrigation for application of water to crop, use of weedicides to remove weeds, poly house cultivation of flowers & vegetables, high density planting in fruit crops. Bio-technology, hydroponics are some other technologies used in agriculture. In this way in Agriculture advanced modern technologies are used to boost the yield of crops. This is necessary as land is shrinking due to urbanization, industrialization nauseating, to increase yield per unit area from available land by adopting advanced, modern technologies. For this purpose trained manpower in application & adaptation of modern technologies are required. Thus process of modernization is a continuous process. This trained manpower will be available only from Agricultural College.
Not only this in rural area there is lot of dropouts in various levels of school education. On account of this it is highly essential to increase educational facilities in Agriculture & allied sciences in all districts so that students from rural areas will get opportunity in getting education in Agriculture and allied sciences. This trained manpower will be utilized for adopting modern technology for increasing yield of cereals, pulse, oilseeds, fruit crops in cultivation of offseason vegetables & flowers in polyhouse.
Shri Anant Krishi Vikas Pratishthan’s Sau. K.S.K. alias “Kaku” College of Agriculture, Beed. Affiliated to Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, has been started from the year 2014-15. This College is accomodated in spacious buildings providing facilities for different laboratories, library & office. Every department is equipped with all required lab equipments, machinery for imparting education in agriculture. Thus practically trained graduates from this institute have tremendous opportunity in (govt.) private sectors as well as for sect employ ment, such as agri business cultivation of own land scientifically.
Sixty acres field is provided for cultivation of different crops. Nursery facilities with mother pants of important fruit crops is also available for conducting practicals in plant propagation, facilities of polyhouse, shade net are available for cultivation of offseason flowers & vegetables. Faculty members are highly qualified (doctorate) for teaching to the students. The special feature of this college is that allout efforts are taken for regular conduct of theory classes & So also actual practicals are conducted in laboratory & fields, to infuse confidence in students.
Besides this there are somany opportunities in government sector viz, Department of Agriculture, zilla parishad, administritative posts in Govt bank sector, teachers, Agricultural university, central Govt. Sector etc. In private sector, seed industry fertilizer industry, pesticide industry, engineering sector for manufacturing agricultural implements, drip irrigation, playhouse for off season cultivation of flowers & vegetables, export of fruit, vegetable & flowers. In this way diversified opportunities are available for Agriculture graduates.